Monday 20 June 2011

College banner

The original idea for my college banner was to take a few images from Google Earth satelite each one closer and closer to college so it would zoom in to to college after someone presses on banner and then a button would appear which could be pressed for more info.

 I decided not to go with this idea instead I decided to make my banner based on words "Learn to Express Yourself". To show creativity in people that they can express I drew a head with colourful brain.

Then created a tween so that the head would slide in from the left words "Learn to express yourself" would appear and disappear

 and then head would slide to the right revealing college's name written in colourful letters and a button looking like paint splash which can be pressed for more info.

 also the background of banner looks like paper and it leaves the impression that  college name and paint splashes appears on paper.
After I made sure that all the features in the banner works as intended I linked (more info) button to college website by using this code:

import flash.ui.Mouse;

button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouse);
function onMouse(e:MouseEvent):void
var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest("");

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